Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > shih tzu feeding ; shih tzu potty training; shih tzu training;

shih tzu feeding ; shih tzu potty training; shih tzu training;

20 11:11:51

hi my 2 months old shih tzu mahogany always pee is that normal? when i feed him every morning her appetite always lose is that also normal?

shih tzu puppy;
shih tzu potty training ;  shih tzu UTI;  shih tzu immunizations ;
shih tzu care ;

Hi Jeff,  You may want to bring little Mohogany to the Vet for a good check up.  Just to make sure everything is ok.  Also, your little Shih Tzu will need some immunizations ( shots)....
The VET can also check her for a urinary infection????  

She needs to go potty ( pee) about every 2-3 hrs at 8 weeks of age.
You may need to set up some Pee Pee pads or newspaper in her area.  
You can train her to go on the pads when you are not home.

I suggest you get a good book on shih Tzus from the local book store or even the Library.

BEST wishes on your little Pup...

A great puppy vitamin:  SEE here:  NuVET Plus - only 1/4 of a teaspoon per day for your little girl.
order here:
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you and ask for the 15 % off with this order code -  81098