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10 year old Shih Tzu female...not the same

20 11:12:34

Hello.  We have a 10 year old  female Shih tzu, named Roxy. She has always been a tiny small framed puppy.  She for about the past year has been going down hill.  She sleeps litterally 23 hours a day and eats, drinks and potty's in between.  She is very disorentaed and walks in circles.  SHe does respond whe you say her name really loud. She seems like maybe she is going blind a little and loosing her hearing.  Her coat is getting very, very thin and she actually has hair loss in some areas.  The skin, which is very visable now, is nasty and scally.  She has never had skin or coat problems before.  She is thin and her spine is showing.  I have given her NutraCal and have changed her food to puppy wellness...hoping to put weight on her and give her energy.  She can be agressive at times and has bitten me.  She has NEVER been an agressive dog. Bomb proof...very good with children and baby's.  Now she is unpredicable and growls and snaps if you touch her wrong, move her or try to pick her up.  She is definitly not the same Roxy we have loved and enjoyed for nine years.  Please help.  Thank you!!!  

Hello Mark, I am so sorry about Roxie.  It sounds like she may have many medical problems going on here along with some pain or discomfort.
Please see your vet and talk to them about pain / discomfort control.
You may need to put this little girl to sleep.  I am sure you don't want to hear that option.
Think about her poor quality of life?  Talk to the vet about making her life more comfortable or the option of putting her to sleep.

Blessings to you!
Sorry, I have no words of wisdom ,,,

Marie Peppers LPN MA