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Stomach problems/ blood work? and some supplements?

20 11:13:22

Our Shih Poo was x=rayed for stomach problems Friday.  Nothing showed but backed up fecal matter and gas bubbles.  He went to to bathroom and has done so every morning since but he still walks around with his head down and whimpers if we try to touch him under his front arms. His stools are normal and he is peeing but not as much as usual. He won't jump up on anything and walks around like a slow slow old man.  We returned to the vet on Monday and he seemed a little better but then started the whimper and shivering thing.  She put him on 250 mg of metronidazole, 1/2 a pill twice daily and metoclopramide, 5mg, 1/2 a pill,  8 to 12 hours. Now He seems slower and walks around like he's not sure of what is going on.  He still eats.  He just wants to sleep all day and looks so sad.   Can you think of anything that may be going on with him?  His stomach does seem better but now he's sad.  This is not my lively, fun loving, active, happy, ready for anything Shih Poo.  Anything you can think of would be helpful and that I might could ask my Vet.  I am at a loss.


Pet Nurse Marie and Nu
Debbie - I hope the vet did some blood work for a baseline?
If not, this should be done right away.  
Sounds like your vet is treating for parasites and bacterias. The medications, that your vet ordered, seems to be good choices.  (Not too strong or toxic)

Here are my suggestions for your baby-
Buy some canned pumpkin- pure canned pumpkin with NO added sugar.
This is great fiber - give just 2 tablespoons per day ( 1 in the am and 1 in the pm), most dogs love the taste...
NuVET will also help his joints, legs and hips - avoids stiffness and arthritis.

Next, please get this boy onto some NuVET Plus - This is an immune system Blaster....Helps to build up his system - also great for digestive problems.  NuVET is a Vitamin Wafer that is taken each day. They have over 35000 dogs taking NuVET wafers each day...
Yum yum good and Great for his health.

Here is the ordering link:

Keep in contact with me....Let me know what happens.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
The Doggie Chalet Hotel