Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > flakey dry itchy very pink skin

flakey dry itchy very pink skin

20 11:13:23

my shih tzu, small in structure, 11 lbs roughly has been scratching non stop, shaved her today and she has very pink skin but not bright pink a dull pink, brownish specks and patches like dirt marks, funny sweet odor to her and is flaking all the time. started with the ears and saw vet which we got drops for and have been doing it regularly. now it is spread down her body and she is losing hair.  help me pls.

Barb - YOUR shih tzu kid has very bad yeast and allergies.  We can fix this with supplements and a good diet.
First off -please place your baby onto a grain free dog food/  Innova EVO or Wellness Core - Mix your old food and the new food x 1 months ( do a 50/50 mix)....After a month, go to 100 % of the new food.
YOU will feed less of the grain free formulas because they don't have any corns or fillers...All Meat based.  ( so feed a little less) - This food is very condensed.  Also, buy the treats - the grain free ones...only

Next, I need you to start her on a few items:

Lets get a few things from NuVET Labs -

- let's get this girl onto the NuVET Plus -  this supplement is an immune system booster that will help her to fight off the Food and Environmental allergies. ( gets rid of the YEAST in ears and skin )

The NuVET Plus will cost you .60 cents per wafer....SHE will need 2 wafers per day for the first 10 days - Then, she can go down to just 1 NuVET wafer per day.
This is guaranteed to work - a 60 Day money back guarantee...
NO risk.
GREAT for stiff legs and hips health, too.

I am here for you - we can start her onto some Salmon Oil , too!  You can buy pure salmon oil at most pet stores - give her 1 teaspoon per day - mixed into her food.

The NuVET is not sold in stores-
Just thru Holistic VETS and Kennels like me.... or thru the Manufacturer...
Please call tomorrow and order some NuVET-

Ask about the Auto Ship 15% Off Discount Program...

Tell them you are working with Marie Peppers of the Doggie Chalet Hotel ..... and Pet Expert from Ask the Pet nurse at All

My order code is 81098 ( pet prof code)

Call 1-800-474-7044  
( any of the gals in customer service will be glad to help)

Also, ask for a bottle of TEA Tree oil Shampoo / about 9.95 per bottle....Wonderful stuff - use 1 x per week.
They also have a wonderful HOT spot TEA TREE Oil spray:
about 6.00 per bottle

Keep me in the loop - Give me an update in 30 days/////  I sure hope this helps your gal.
I know it will help - And, remember, the NuVET company offers a 60 day MONEY back Guarantee

Marie Peppers
Pet Nutritional Expert
The Doggie Chalet Hotel