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shih tzu urinary infections; shih tzu having accidients....

20 11:12:39


Ichiban - Dishwasher
Have had this precious boy since 09-21-09....have 2 other rescues....I take this little guy out consistently and yet he is still having accidents in the house.  Sometimes the urine is fairly dark and he has been neutered.  What am I doing wrong?

*shih tzu possible urinary infection?  Hi - let me know if you do take this cutie to the vet?
If not, I can help with some supplements.  A good diet and supplements can help to prevent UTIs.
Keep me posted....

Hi - What a cute photo!  Thanks
I wonder if this boy has a urinary infection????
I would have the vet check him over.
Also, some good supplements for urinary health: see here:
Good Luck guys!
Cranberry pills and NuVET supplements