Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > shihz zu pups death;

shihz zu pups death;

20 11:13:01

I have a female shihz zu she is almost 2 yrs. old and a male pomeran ian who is about4 yrs.old. Both dogs weight about 5 pounds. I had no idea that the shihz zu was pregnant until she gave birth on May 24 2009, the puppy came out dead, is there a reason that the puppy died? I called the Vet right away because I had no idea what to do and they told me to leave her alone and she will do what she has to do. But eventually I had to remove the puppy because it was dead. The shihz zu never looked for the puppy when i took it away.

Hello Jackie,  I am so sorry about the puppy's death.  That is very sad but it does happen sometimes.  We do have a breeding and whelping section of experts here.... they may be able to help you better than I.

Again, I am sorry for your loss.

Marie Peppers LPN MA