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dog food recipes: All Bran Cereal for dogs;

20 11:12:20

Ms. Peppers

Thank you for answering my question concerning my 3 yr old Shih Tzu that has light pink skin with black spots. I would like to know what type of food to put him on and also the right supplements at this time he is not on any supplements or vitamins.  We have tried all types of food with him.  We can't seem to get him only anything he so picky about his food at this time we're trying Natural Receipt for small breads because his teeth is very small. I would appreciate any help you can give me on this, he has began to chew on rocks any kind. He have been having problems for the past two years with an impacted anal gland on his right side, it has swell and busted the Vet only stitches it up and at this time would like to remove this gland.

Shih Tzu anal glad infection;  constipation in canine;
Anal gland troubles?  Try Kellog's All Bran

How about cooking for this little one:  Here is an easy recipe -  Also, Place 1 teaspoon of Kellog's All Bran Cereal into his food daily - Will take away the anal Glad problems.

Dog Food Recipe:

( Recipe is  for a 15 pound dog )

Start with:

Small amount of vegetable oil in your pan


Cooked, skinless chicken 1/2 cup

Cooked Brown rice 1/4 cup

Cooked Peas 1/4

Cooked pumpkin  1-2 tablespoons  **** ( or Squash)

( HE many like a little canned pumpkin ) Pumpkin is good fiber...
Pinch of salt

Add a NuVET Vitamin  ( you can get the Powder )- to finished off the food /  
NUVET .... vitamins - Not sold in stores: order below:

Vitamins / Supplements are great to have for any dog at any age.
Here is the NuVET info-
39.00 for a 60 count bottle
ask for the 15% off
1-800-474-7044  ( give order code 81098...... thanks)

Good luck with the easy recipe.

Let me know how he likes it?

Marie Peppers LPN MA