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skin rash on dogs stomach

20 11:12:18


Buddy's Tummy
Hi I have a 5 year old male Shih Tzu and I just noticed (today) that his skin was peeling on his stomach. I thought it was just dried dirt so I started to pick it off of his fur. I then noticed little areas where the skin looked sort of irritated and realized that was were the little dark pieces were coming from. He has dark spots on his stomach already, just the pattern on his skin, and it looks like those are the only spots where it's peeling. I thought maybe it was heat rash (it's been pretty hot here lately) or maybe because I gave him a bath a week ago. He doesn't have fleas and the last time I took him to the vet she said he was a healthy dog (just a little pudgy). I didn't want to rush him into the vet and pay a huge bill for nothing so I thought I would get an opinion on it first. He is a small dog and weighs about 20 lbs.

Hi Kristin and Buddy,  You're right that it may be related to the heat and humidity.
Try placing some Corn Starch baby powder on the area and under his arm pits/ and groin.
In the Baby department, there is Baby powder corn starch.  ( very safe for dogs....)
Just a small amount 1-2 x per day ... dust lightly onto area.

If this doesn't help, Please see the Vet.

Best wishes,
Marie Peppers
Pet Chef and Nutrition

WANT a good doggie Vitamin ????
SEE Marie's NuVET Page:
