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NuVet and Cranberry supplements for pets;

20 11:11:45

Boo is a 5 yr old Shih Tzu, 15 lbs, normal build, has been a perfect dog, she has only ever had 1 eye infection and 2 ear infections...she has a bladder infection, dark and cloudy, ph 7.5 (high), protein 2+(high),occult blood 3+(high)RBC 4-10(high) and Struvite Crystals (MgNH4PO4) she has an infection with crystals.  The vet gave her 100mg of cefpodoxime, also dry and wet
food, Royal Canine Urinary SO K9....this is her 1st bladder infection.  The vet said she would have to stay on this diet for the rest of her life, also that she could not have any treats of any kind, I am assuming that is for the 14 day treatment...I feel horrid about the treats, she thinks she is being punished, I don't know what to give her as she gets them for rewards for being so good and she gets so much love..I think I got blessed when I got Boo, since day one, no chewing, no biting no peeing all over, she knows she can use a pee pad if I am not home on time, otherwise she lets me know.  Anyway, what do you think about this advice, I feel a little wary of it and don't understand the treat deal.
Thanks Jil

Dog food alternatives to Hill's Rx diet;  Special supplements for shih tzu:
Keep me posted... ARE you home-cooking yet?

( shih tzu bladder issues: )  KEEP Me posted:  I want to help...
Hope you have good results with the NuVET and Home-cooking,

Hi Jill,  Please remember that I am not a Vet:  Yes, the antibiotic is a good idea to cure the mess in Boo's bladder.  I do have some alternative recipes to replace the Royal Canine SO k9 food; Please show my recipes and suggestions to your Vet.
( Many Vet's do not know much about home-cooking for pets)  Please keep your Vet posted on any changes you made with feeding .

I will suggest some supplements and recipe/ for your Boo Shih Tzu
You need to follow the complete recipe for results

Try some Colloidal Silver liquid:  ( A NATURAL Antibiotic)
Urinary tract infections - Oral dosage is one tablespoon taken 3 times daily.
Most users report noticeable improvement within two to three days, with the infection generally gone in five to seven days.

Here is an example of what to look for in the local health or vitamin store:

2.  Please start this fur kid onto the NuVET Wafer program.
Give 1 per day long term.....VERY helpful for urinary health and wellness - aides in the reduction of infections.  ( PLUS - Balances out the home cooking recipes)
Only order here: not in stores:  
Holistic and very safe:
You are looking for the NuVET plus wafers.

You will need to stay on the Silver Product a good 90 days and the NuVET supplement long term.

recipes and a supplement:  
Works very well with many of my clients..

*** for dogs with struvite stones....
( by the Way):
If the UTI is under control the struvite crystals may be under control, too.

Beef and Rice Diet

1/3 pound very lean beef (raw weight), ~~cook Please
1 egg, large, hard-boiled
2 cups brown rice, long-grain, cooked
3 bonemeal tablets (10-grain or equivalent)    *( buy at Health Store or Pet Stores)
1/4 teaspoon salt substitute (potassium chloride)
1/4 cup of green beans  ( canned with NO added salt -cut up fine)
1 NuVET Supplement ( 1 per DAY) , NOT per meal  *** see below:

Provides 730 kilocalories, 40.7 grams protein, 19.7 grams fat.

This is enough ( or more than enough) for 1 day of feeding...
Feed your Shih Tzu 1/2 to 3/4 cup of this mixture 2 x per day.
( YOU will need to work with the amounts --- See how hungry your dog is .... adjust amounts)


Tuna and Rice Diet

4-6 ounces tuna, canned in water, without added salt
1 egg, large, hard-boiled
2 cups brown rice, long-grain, cooked
1/4 cup of green sweet peas  or  1/4 cup of green beans
2 teaspoons vegetable (canola) oil
3 bonemeal tables (10-grain or equivalent)
1/4 teaspoon salt substitute (potassium chloride)
1 multiple vitamin-mineral table

FEED 2 meals per day  ( about 1/2 to 3/4 cup per feeding)

Provides 760 kilocalories, 47.3 grams protein, 21.1 grams fat.

TREATS - Only give the grain free treats and just a few per day
We use the Life's Abundance brand - order here:  delivery to your door:
HOLISTIC and very safe:

Great fiber and antioxidants. ( SAFE treat)  Just break up into 2-3 amounts and give thru the day .... PLUS- the NuVET Wafer can be a great treat, too.  It looks like a treat but it's the Vitamin Supplement:

Many of my clients take this one - It's Holistic and Very good for them.

PLUS - delivery is fresh to your door:
Just 1 per day

HOPE this helps!
Ask the Pet Nurse...

BEST wishes...
Keep me posted

I hope your kid likes the recipes...They are much better than the Hill's Rx  or the Royal C. foods.  Smells so much better, too