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Resident shih tzu avoiding new puppy

20 11:14:27

Hi! I have a 1 1/2 yr old male...spoiled rotten. Got a new 3month old male 2 days ago. My resident is avoiding him...puppy approaches him, he runs away like he is scared. No aggresion from either one. They met for the first time on neutral grounds so that resident wouldn't have a territory problem. Resident is acting much calmer and not showing any affection to me...usually all kisses and followed me around the house. I keep the puppy in a large condo when at home, unless we are outside or someone is playing him, but he doesn't have free run of the house. Resident dog sleeps with us and we didn't change that...puppy sleeps in kennel. Please help. I am so worried that I made a huge mistake by bringing in the puppy- not because I don't want him, but I don't want to ruin my relationship and personality of resident dog. Thanks so much!

Your puppy and the resident will work out their issues given some time.  Trust me, I have 5 inside the home and on occasion even more (we have sleep overs)it usually takes a few weeks for them to work out their issues but they will.  The resident will forgive you for bringing in the puppy and sharing your affection (remember you are the leader of the pack) keep that in mind always and maintain control of the situation.  As long as you are fair in your treatment and affection they will be as well.  Honestly, just give things time and it will all work out.