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aggressive behavior since grroming

20 11:13:42

I have two male Shih Tzus ages 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 that recently had to be shaved because they were so matted.
The younger wimpers, chews is hind paws and quivers. The older quivers. Both have been very aggressive toward each other. The younger has several bite marks and I myself have been bitten while trying to separate them. They have never diplayed such aggressive behaivior before. The vet prescribed an anti anxiety medicine, but it does not seem to be helping.

Wow Carrie:  this sounds awful!  I am so sorry you all are going thru this.  The matted areas on your dogs were most likely uncomfortable for them... They both may have skin sensativity because of the matted areas and then the trauma of the shaving.

I would consider the following:

Yes, stay on the anxiety meds for a few more weeks.  ( 1 dose per day)  - Just to get the "edge" off!

Next, buy some Salmon oil - Pure salmon oil .... alaska salmon can be found at most Pet Stores.  Give them 1 teaspoon per day, on top of the dog food.

Look for a low protien dog food.... There have been many studies that say dogs can be treated for aggression with Low protein dog foods... Look for something like this:

20 % protein per serving

If you happen to have a hyper, aggressive or generally intense dog, change their diet to a low-protein dog food without artificial preservatives (look for about 20% protein).
Any protein that they're not using for serious growth spurts is essentially extra energy ripping through your dog's system. Like ROCKET FUEL. UNNECESSARY ROCKET FUEL. Think about it...

Also, get the kids on NuVET Plus - The BEST skin and Coat supplement for Shih tzus.... We have many shih tzu breeders who LOVE nu vet plus...
It will cost you about .25 cents per day... Your shih tzus will only need 1/2 wafer per day.  
Build up the Immune System, too!
Excellent and Will help them, or your money back.
Here is the link for NuVET...
Make sure you call Joan and She can WALK you thru the first order of NuVET Plus

After you have made the changes, please give me a report on the skin and also the aggression... OK

BEST wishes,