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19 month old shih tzu problems!!

20 11:13:41

My Shih Tzu is sooo stubborn! I know it's part of their breed, but I can't handle it anymore! How do I potty train him!? I've tried and tried and gotten nowhere. He barks ALL the time, how do I stop that?

Hi Jenny:  I would love to help you and your little shih tzu!
Please get back to me with the answers to my questions:

What do you mean by potty training...?  Is it poop or pee he is having troubles with.  Also, when and where are the places and times he tend to have accidents?

As for the barking... What or who does he like to bark at.  Is he happy barking or attention barking?  Give me more details...

Also, who else is in the household?  Pets and People?

What are you feeding - brand and amounts of food.
When do you feed him 2x per day????

Please let me know.
I want to help!!


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