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Shi Tzu behind irritation ;

20 11:12:24

I took my 10 mo old Shi tzu to get groomed Sunday. They cut him low as always. Then on Tuesday I noticed a change in his behavior. He LOVES to go outside but now he runs in his cage when its time to go potty. Very unusual. He also stops and sits down about 30 times during a 5 minute walk. His anal glands have been expressed by the groomers but to rule that out, i did it again and nothing came out. He still uses the bathroom without any issues. He also appears to be "chasing" his tail alot but i think he is just trying to get to whatever is aggravating him. Any ideas as to what can be wrong?

Hi Crystal, Do you see any razor burn on him?  Could they have cut too short and irritated his skin?  Also, sometimes the anal glads can have some inflammation for a few days after expressing.
Keep an eye on this.  

Most of my shih tzu clients take NuVET Plus each day - It keeps AWAY any infecton in the anal glands, plus great for coat and skin health.
see here:

HOPE he feels better soon!

Marie Peppers LPN MA