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shih Tzu pregnancy

20 11:14:16

what are the signs of my shih tzu being in a family way?

some signs include, sleeping excessively, morning sickness, refusing food, the female area will stay swollen along with the teets once her heat cycle is supposedly over, and of course at day 21-27 you can palpitate, and usually after that you will notice the pregnant belly appear. Make sure she has a place to have the puppies I set up her whelping area at least 2 weeks prior to due date so Mom can get prepared and comfortable with the area and make it her own.  Make sure she is bathed, her belly hair is clean shaven, feed her well but do not over feed her and NO extra calcium, and I suppose if you want you can always go to the vet and have x-rays.  I've also heard that you can take an over the counter EPT test tape it to a yard stick or broom handle and when they go out to potty hold it under their stream of urine (this is 3 weeks after a breeding) and then follow the directions on the package.  Good luck and hope you get the answer your looking for.