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Shih Tzu - odd behavior

20 11:11:47

My 4 year old (rescued- age approx) has started staring at nothing, or turning her head as if she is hearing something that we can't hear. She also wakes me up repeatedly during the night and I let her out but she doesn't do anything. She has started sitting in the other room away from us. And going toward the front door as if she is waiting for something. She is still eating fine. Has had all her shots. She has been having normal bowel movements during the day. She does bite her feet a lot. The vet suggested benadril. She also got a bald spot on her thigh from the rabies shot last spring. She eats Paul Newman can food, and Bonz treats. She just seems alouf, disinterested and not herself.Usually she is always right by my side.  This behavior started 3 days ago. I'm going to take her to the vet. I was just wondering if you have heard anything like this. I found one similar question on the web with no answer. Thanks for your help.

Hi Jane,  Have the Vet do some blood work on her.  It may be that she has a low grade Temp and infection?  Hard to say.  Also, she could be having some slight seizures.  Your are right, it is very odd.  Let me know what the Vet's findings are?

My phone :  803-424-2312
Marie Peppers LPN MA