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New Born pups

20 11:13:52

I have a 2 week old litter 6 pups.  I have been weighing them and last week they did not gain that much but this week they are a little chubby. The biggest one already weighs 1 pound and my male the dad was less then a pound when we got him.. Is it normal for them to gain this much??? this is my first litter so you know I am a concerned mommy.. Also my female will not eat puppy food is there any thing else I can give her to supplement the calories??  There are 6 pups and they take allot out of her.. Thanks again..

The weight on the puppies is fine.  As for the mother she needs to be taking in plenty of water, feed her dry puppy food and add some vanilla yogurt or cottage cheese to it or even scramble an egg and add that to it and see if she will eat it.  Just make sure to mix it in well so that she is eating the kibble and not just the added treat.  
Also, try feeding her at least 3 times a day until the puppies are at least 3 or 4 weeks old at that point you should start trying to feed the puppies some moistened food of their own and gradually weaning them off of mom.

Good luck and hope this helps