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Fur changing color on Shih tzu

20 11:13:28

My 5 yr. old blond shihtzu has recently started turning apricot colored on all 4 paws and on her beard.  Is this normal to have fur change color?

Hi Sherry - many times this means allergies.  Please try a few natural choices:

1.  Make sure she is on a good food such as Innova Evo or Wellness Core...Let me know if you need help on this... I would be glad to help you.
2.  NuVET Plus - Wafer supplement/ the BEST Immune system booster in the USA.  Helps to fight off allergies and other skin/coat problems.
Call Joan and order some - Joan will explain the MONEY BACK guaranteed offer - give them (90) days and see!
1-800-474-7044 Ext 265  ( Joan Harris)
Tell her Marie sent you from All Experts and The Doggie Chalet Hotel
Give her breeder/vet code 81098 for ordering.
Read all the Testimonials about NuVET plus and the happy dogs and cats that use it.

They can't sell without a order code... so, don't forget it ( 81098)

3. Acidophilus ( 1 billion CFUs) - give 1/2 per day - Just break the pill in 1/2 and hide it in some Innova EVO WET canned food...YUM yum good.

I am here for you with weekly or monthly e-mail support - No charge for my guidance and service...Just ask, I am here to help.

Talk to you soon

Marie Peppers ( NuVET Plus and The Doggie Chalet Hotel)