Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > 2 yr shih tzu bad back pain only eat sittin up by had feed, terrible tremble

2 yr shih tzu bad back pain only eat sittin up by had feed, terrible tremble

20 11:11:44

hi, my lil Sasha is a chronic jumper, of my 36" bed every morning over the 15" baby gate(30 or 40 times per day) up and down stairs to basement several time a day following me and chasing the cats, jumping up and down of the furniture all day..she did this every day since she was 5 months old..I NEVER NEW THIS WAS BAD>>>Sasha started shiver like she was cold 2 wk ago when she first got up in morn(Jumped off of 36" bed) and when I got home from work( she went down 8 steps,stairs to greet me everyday).I thought it was from being cold(I just gave her a hair cut). Husband says sasha had been doing alot of leg out in front and out in back of her like stretches latley.. sasha always has rolled around on back with feet over her head like a wiggle worm then sleeps on back..(so did my other shih tzu)Then She went off her food, and would only eat lil chicken an cheese, then nothing for 2 days..I took her to my vet to find out what is wrong..First vet visit the say she looks good, good heartlungs/color.spine feel okay, walks good..???looks fine..I tell vet she shivers like cold slowly went of food and is acting very odd..i caught urine sample just before visit and had a urinalysis and full blood test panel, electrolytes, lyme test done. When i got home i took Sasha for 7 block walk(she has not gone on a walk in months) stimulate her appetite and she ate nice size amount of chicken, drank water,Played with cats ran all over up down stairs jumped of couch went to day shivering in the morn won't eat, and when i get home from work Sahsa is doing a sick lil crawl around my legs with belly low, tail draggin, never done that before, took her to vet IMMEDIATELY!  Vet (2nd visit} syas boold work normal, urine normal, no lyme , all tests fine, checks sasha and says she looks good, fine, don't know??I say I no somethin wrong, vet feels her back says she shows no pain watches her walk says walks fine, dose xrays (chest abdomen)no blockages, expresses anal glad, ..I ask is she shivering and not eating cause of pain, Vet says could be..Vet says it could be her back, she feels no disk bulge, i tell vet sasha is a jumper..She prescribes>> Rimadyl 25mg 1Xday & Methocarbamol 70mg 2-3xday. and no more jumping..cage rest.. well did'nt have a cage,blocked all stairs, kept her from jumpin up or down of stuff.. sasha acted fine, went for walk she ate chicken drank water chased the cats..didn't want to give meds till next day when I was home with her next day.. gave meds as when the muscle relaxor and pain meds start to where of she tremble bad gets stiff when i pick her up..i have a kennel now, she hates it whines like crazy, she only eats sitting up, she want out to play with cats..but she has very bad treble episode ..I take her to bed and put heat pad on her back..after on meds her shiver have gotten worse and turned in to whole body tremble when she first gets up, but go away when she lays down....

Please tell me what more i can do to help my there other meds that work better, is it very important that she not walk at all also, not just not jump around..what other supplements should she have.. any and all help appreciated..

I never knew shih tzus have lots of back problems..My vet never mentioned that shih's are know for back problems was reluctant to say sasha could have bad back.Even when i told her all the jumpin she did.. Then i looked it up on internet and could not believe my vet did not already know shih's are know for back problems..My vet was treating me like I was a overprotective over acting mother...But a mother knows when their baby is sick darn it....

Wow, Poor little Sasha!  Yes, it does sound like pain. With all the tests you have had done that is the only explaination.  Wish she could tell us what is wrong... IT would make it so easy for us if they could talk.

The drugs that Sasha is taking are fine for Very Short Term only - otherwise, hard on the liver.

Here is what we use for dogs with any kind of bone/muscle swelling or pain:

NuVET vitamins daily, for the Shih Tzu:

As for the Shih Tzu and most breeds of dogs it is highly recommended that a quality dog vitamin supplement be added as a regular part of their daily nutrition as dog foods alone cannot provide all of the vitamins, minerals and nutrition that your beloved Shih Tzu needs. A quality dog vitamin will aid in maintaining a healthy dog and thereby increasing their quality of life and longevity.

NuJOINT Plus - 2-3 per day to help reduce joint/bone pain and discomfort.  PLUS - NuJOINT helps to repair.
Almost all dogs on NuJoint take 1 NuVet Plus per day.
YOUR baby will need 2-3 NuJoint wafer treats per day and the 1 NuVet wafer per day:
SEE here to order: Tell them Discount code 81098   ********** for the 15% off program.
Let them know Pet Nurse Marie sent you.
YOU can not get this in any store:  
HOLISTIC and only sold thru special Vets or Breeders.

The NuVET Plus is 20.00 , 39.00
The NuJoint is a big bottle for 55.00  ( will last you a long time)
PLUS - It's guaranteed with a 60 day money back guarantee.
NuVET Plus also comes in a powder -  The wafers break into 1/4 s if needed.
MOST dogs LOVE the Taste.

ALSO - When you are done with the Drugs, as the VET if you can use 1 of an 81 mg baby aspirin per day when needed for pain?

HOPE this helps
KEEP me posted

Marie Peppers LPN MA


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