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skin problem in shih tzu - blisters;

20 11:12:27

My shitzu has scabs and blisters all the time all over her, I use gentocin spray and it helps dry them up,but want came I do to help her with this. I bath her with baby shampoo, and have tried every shampoo I can think of, she eat nature choice, and soft pedigree food, Iv tried several different brands of food also. can you help

Oh Kathy!  How awful for you two girls!  Let's try a special shampoo and a few natural supplements.

1.  Tea tree oil doggie shampoo - made by the NuVET folks.  
I would wash her in this every 7-10 days.  Try to make some suds and keep it on for 5 minutes and then rinse well.  They also have a nice HOT spot tea tree spray -  this is great to use daily on itchy areas---- Tea tree is very healing for dogs.
LINK to order below:

2.  Please pop this kid onto some ESTER C ( 250 mg ) per day - long term
This is a low dosage of Ester C - helps with healing and reduces inflammation.
Found at any store that sells human vitamins - ( hide in pill pocket treat or wet dog food)

3.  NuVET wafer supplement treat - 1 wafer per day or 1 teaspoon of the NuVET powder
YOU are looking for the NuVET Plus - Allergy Blaster and Skin-coat healer.
They give a 60 day money back guarantee.... YOUR dog will be much better when using the NuVET Plus - It takes a good 3 weeks to kick in and see results.
NuVET will start the healing and help to RE-Build a weak immune system

Call today   1-800-474-7044
Ask for the Hot spot Tea tree shampoo and spray
Also the NuVET supplement
the shampoo and spray is about 10.00 each bottle;
the wafers run 20.00 ; 39.00 and 55.00 per bottle

Tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you and use order code: 81098 for the 15 % OFF auto-ship program

As for food, don't change it again.  Sounds like Environmental allergies:  dirt, dust, mold, trees, grass,,,,, you just name it!
POOR little one.
I sure hope this helps - YOU will see results in less than 3 weeks.

KEEP me posted:

Marie Peppers LPN MA