Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > rashes on the inside of her back legs.

rashes on the inside of her back legs.

20 11:11:54

i have a 11.5 lb female shih tzu. she is ten years old. she has a rash on the front part of her back  ankles. i.m not sure what to do. it hurts to the touch
thank you

Hi Mindy - Sounds like you may need to see the Vet for this rash.
Could she have come in contact with anything new?
I am wondering if you have changed anything in her environment?

Most Vets will offer 1-2 mg of Benadryl every 12 hrs for swelling or inflammation.  
Your dog could have 1 pink 25 mg table - hide in some food..
(TALK to you vet about the Benadryl and a office visit)

Sorry - Wish I could be of more help.

Good luck

Marie Peppers LPN MA