Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > milk products for shih tzu dog;

milk products for shih tzu dog;

20 11:12:32

can i mix half a cup of milk with her dog food everyonce in a while she really likes it.

Hi Joe, I would rather see you add 2 teaspoons of 2% cottage cheese to her dog food.
Don't do the larger curd cottage cheese, please get the smaller curd.  YOUR shih tzu will love some cottage cheese in the dog food.
Now, be aware this can put on some weight.  You may not want to do this every day.
You can do 1/8 of a cup of 2 % milk a few times per week.
Dogs mainly need meats rather than dairy products.

Also, please start your shih tzu onto the NuVET doggie treat vitamins-
see here:

If you want to try some home-cooking, let me know....
I can send you my doggie meatloaf recipe.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse