Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > dry flakey patches on shih tzu dog;

dry flakey patches on shih tzu dog;

20 11:12:36


dry flacky skin patch
I have an eleven yr old female shih tzu and have been trying to get to the bottom of a  worsening skin condition she has had for several years. When it first appeared, the vet said it was probably flea dirt, although we couldn't find any evidence of fleas. It has now advanced to dry scaly patches about the size of a quarter. It started on  her rear back, but now is on all parts of her body. She also has a lot of discharge in her eyes. The vet suspects a allergic condition, but we've not been able to determine the culprit. I've never tried home cooked food, but am ready to try.

sorry, the picture did not come out clearly.

shih tzu dog vitamins; NuVet skin and coat vitamin:  Gald you ordered the NuVET- Let me know how your girl does with the NuVET and the New food.
Keep me posted....

Hi Susan, yes, I can help with home-cooking and a few supplements.  
YOU should see results in less than 30 days with my plan:

I am going to suggest ("ALMOST)" home-cooked with SoJo's Mixes:
You can get free shipping with the link below:  
***** the GREEN bag of SoJos - all you do is add cooked meats :  

I would like you to do only ground hamburger or ground lamb.....
We can add chicken after a few weeks.....

SoJos is home-cooking with a little help.  The GREEN bag is all Grain-free.
I have a feeling your dog has MORE environmental allergies than food allergies.
It is good to have her on the  Grain-FREE  foods, anyway.

Start out on the SoJos slowly - Do the SoJos meal in the am and feed your regular food in the pm.
Or- if you feed just 1 x per day - do 1/2 your food and 1/2 the SoJos for 2 weeks.
YOU never want to change a pet too quickly .....

FREE shipping to any USA address with this link:

Supplement/ vitamin:  NuVET

Also, I would love to see your gal take 1 NuVET wafer per day.  NuVET is a skin healer : allergy blaster and Immune system booster... PLUS- helps the hips, legs and joints with flexibility.
1000s of shih tzus take 1/2 to 1 full NuVET wafer per day:  They ALSO make a powder form of the NuVET Plus...
SEE here:  
My nuvet page:

For your first order/
I would CALL-IN , that way you get the 60 day money back guaranteed trial offer.....
Also, tell them Pet Nurse Marie wants your gal on 1 full wafer or teaspoon of NuVET powder per day.

Ask them to also send you the HOT spot TEA TREE oil spray - about 9.00 per bottle ***
Tea tree hot spot spray is healing and soothing........
I would use it on the dry areas 1-2 x per day.  VERY safe and Not a drug....
NuVET is also very safe and holistic/ Sorry, not sold in stores
CALL  1-800-474-7044  ( use order code:  81098)
Tell them you are working with Marie Peppers of ASK the PET Nurse site.

We can also add some vitamin E and C, down the road.....
LET's start with the SoJo food and the NuVET products first.

Keep me posted:
My private e-mail:

NuVET starts at 19.00 and up:  if you want the small sized bottle/ you must call in , they don't sell the smaller sizes on the internet web store.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
ASK the Pet Nurse