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daily weight gain in new born shih-tzu puppies

20 11:13:53

What is the normal daily weight gain in shih-tzu puppies?  We have 7 day old puppies and the momma isn't producing enough milk and we have been bottle feeding the puppies and only 2 of them are actually eating from the bottle. I'm a little worried because they arent gaining a lot of weight daily, what is the normal wight gain?

Make sure that the mother is eating and drinking as much as she wants.  The puppies should be gaining at least 1/2 to 1 ounce each week.  Keep them warm and hydrated.  If they are not taking the milk by the bottle you will have to tube feed them but make sure that they are staying warm never feed cold puppies.  Also, if they are getting dehydrated if you have the   solutions to SQ them then now is the time to start that and also give them a little honey on the tongue (just a tiny tad) to keep up their sugar level.  Otherwise take them to the vet and have them all checked out and make sure he/she starts you on a good protocol and checks out mom to see if she has mastitis or anything going on in the uterus (infection etc.)  Hope all goes well and let me know.