Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > 7month old shih tzu urine odor; shih tzu UTI ;

7month old shih tzu urine odor; shih tzu UTI ;

20 11:12:23

I adopted Arty he was abused he is a wonderful lil guy. Now when he goes out to pee pee he stinks????? I have to bathe him constantly what is his problem why does he stink????

Hi Janet, Well, that is great that you adopted this boy!  
I am wondering if he has a little UTI ( urine infection)???
Does he get enough water?  What are you feeding him?  ( brand and flavor)
Also, has this problem been going on for sometime?

Let me know,
You can respond here - at the allexperts or to my private e-mail:

Marie Peppers LPN MA