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Choosing breed for allergy sufferer

20 11:13:32

What's the difference between Llaso Apso dogs and Shih Tzu dogs? I've been told that Shih Tzu is a good breed for owner who has allergies and Shih Tzu's are good in living in an apartment.

Hi Julia:  The American Shih Tzu club claims that no breed is NON allergic to all.  Yes, the Shih Tzu sheds small amounts of hair and not fur.  Yes, the Shih Tzu has less dander than other breeds.
There is no true dog that is hypoallergenic.

A shih Tzu would do fine in an apartment because they don't need large areas to play and run.

Try to do a google search on Shih Tzu in the City:  I bet you can find some clubs for Apartment based shih tzu doggies.

BEST wishes..

Marie Peppers

The Doggie Chalet Hotel

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