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Newborn Shih Tzu Puppies! HELP PLEASE!

20 11:13:28

My baby girl Gabrielle (2 yrs old, smalll frame) gave birth to 5 puppies. 3 are in excellent health and fat. Two were not suckling well at all. We trying milking the mom and using her milk to hand feed them. One passed away Tuesday. We are crushed. Now we are trying to keep the other one (male, named Coco) alive. He suckles, but not well. Eats well via syringe, but not gaining weight at all. I have even tried giving Pediolyte to keep him hydrated. What more can I do. We are feeding every hour to two hours. We use the small CC syringe with a nipple attached to the top. He usually takes 2.0 cc (2 syringes full). Sometimes less. Please Please help me keep this baby alive. What else can I do or be looking for?

Hello Bianca- sorry about the loss of your little pup.  Sounds like you are doing a good job...Just keep giving the hand feeding of little Coco..
WE have Whelping experts on this site that may be able to help.
I don't know what they could add to this...
Keep up to good work and keep on trying.

BEST wishes
