Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > my shitzu urine odor; UTI shih tzu; urinary crystals shih tzu;

my shitzu urine odor; UTI shih tzu; urinary crystals shih tzu;

20 11:13:03

i have a one year old male shitzu that hasn't been fixed yet. he urinates everywhere and it has a strong ammonia type smell which is strong throughout the house. i have had to put room deodorizers through my it a medical problem that i should have checked out? im so ready to have him living outside because the smell is so horrible

Oh Yes, I am sure he has a urinary infection or even crystals in the urine.  Please call the VET ASAP... He will need a antibiotic to get rid of the infection.  I am about 99% sure he has a UTI.
Keep me posted:  
Let me know what the vet says.

Marie Peppers LPN MA