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Pain killers shih tzu ; putting a dog to sleep ? ;

20 11:13:03

I have a shi-tzu that i had for 16 years now and now shes starting to go blind and shes starting to alot of pain. I cant stand to see her this way any more and i dont have to heart to have her put down, so i was wondering what kind of pain killers can I give her and what dosage so I can get rid of the pain so she can pass on naturaly?

Hello, Oh, I am so sorry to hear that your little shih tzu is in pain. Please talk to your vet about this...There are many things they can give her but they ALL require a Prescription from a Vet.
Now, just so you know .....many times they do not pass on naturally. So many of them seem to have a strong heart but the body is weak.  If your girl has a strong heart she will not pass on without your help.  They can just last on and on.  
If you can't control her pain she will need to be put to sleep.  That is the last good thing you can do for her.  I know it is hard to do but she could last a long time in pain.

Make sure you get some pain control right away or put this little one to sleep.  
I wish I could be there to help your thru this hard time.


Marie Peppers LPN MA