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shih tzu anal glands; pumpkin and anal glands;

20 11:12:28

I have a 1 year old female shih tzu who has started to continuously lick and scratch her anal area she wines as well. This started  about 2 days ago. I have expressed her anal glands.. I have bathed her..I apply hydrocortisone spray on her several times a day..she still continues to lick, scratch and wine..I cant  afford to take her to the vet until my next payday. Can U help me with some suggestions? some one says she may have a yeast infection?

Hi Keya,  Well, she may have a slight infection in the anal glads.  Yes, this will need a Vet for antibiotic RX.  Sounds like you are doing everything right!
How about adding some pure canned pumpkin to her diet?  Will she eat it?
About 1 teaspoon per day will help the anal glads to expell any excess matter.

If she is better in a few days, then it was just swelling.  If not, she needs the antibiotics.

Sorry, wish I could be of more help!

MOST of my clients take the NuVET supplement powder or wafers / helps to reduce and even stop anal gland issues.

HOPE you can get her to eat the pumpkin.

Marie Peppers LPN MA