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Shih Tzus- Back Disk Rupture

20 11:13:25

My 5 1/2 year old Shih Tzus had his lower back disk to rupture. A few weeks earlier, he had been being treated for swollen neck inquiry. Is this common in this breed? I have another Shih Tzua that is 4yrs old, I want to be prepared,if something happens to her. They are both from the same breeder and bloodline.

Hello Kimberly - yes, I am sorry to say that Disc Disease runs very high in Shih Tzu breeds...I have included a link below:

If you would like some Nutritional Help - I am here for you... Supplements can be used along with some good VET care.
What is your vet using right now for treatments?
I can help you add some supplements to help strengthen the joints which in turn will help the discs and bone structure.

My help can also be of great use for your other 4 yr old to avoid the Disc and other problems that can occur in this breed.

Talk to you soon...
Just a little more info and I can help..

Marie Peppers LPN MA

NuVET Plus - The BEST for your dogs and cats////

Marie's Private e-mai is

Need to talk ??  call 1-907 830-2365  

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