Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > breathing; Ask the Pet Nurse; raised feeding : reverse sneeze in shih tzu ;

breathing; Ask the Pet Nurse; raised feeding : reverse sneeze in shih tzu ;

20 11:13:06

We've owned 3 shit zus and all 3 have to some degree had the same problem. At times they will have problem breathing like azma making a sound like honking and trying to inhale air at the same time is this common. our new one which will turn 1 in april has done this several times. should i worry.

                                      thank you

Hello - FOLLOW up ....
HOW is your little one doing now?  
Did you try the "raised feedings"
Give me an update on the ? reverse sneeze...
Marie Peppers ( )

Hello Gene: sounds like a reverse sneeze.  Not to worry - a common little problem
Question: What is a "reverse sneeze"?

Reverse sneezing is a fairly common respiratory event seen in dogs (rarely cats) that, while harmless, can be quite frightening for dog owners to witness. Find out what happens during reverse sneezing and what some possible causes are in this FAQ.

Answer: Reverse sneezing or inspiratory paroxysmal respiration, is caused by a spasm of the soft palate and laryngeal area. It is termed "reverse sneeze" because the dog is inhaling air rapidly and forcefully instead of expelling air, as with a normal sneeze.

See more at our site:

You can do a raised feeding / to lessen the air intake.
The dishes can be raised at least 6 inches or more off the ground.

Also, don't forget a NuVET wafer..... Great for digestion and general doggie health.

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse