Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > SUNDAE/ constipation / ? blockage;

SUNDAE/ constipation / ? blockage;

20 11:13:05

Hello, Sundae, my shitzu has been whinning a lot for the past week and also for the past week will not go anywhere without her squeeky, toy bone.  It is as if it is soothing to her.  Today, after holding her, I heard funny noises in stomach and she will not eat.  Her stools are also hard.  Prior to her change in behavior, I have a had time trying to get her to eat on a normal basis.  I have tried several foods but she does not like them at all.  There is one soft food that she will half eat and that one is called Ceaser.  Any light you can shed will be greatly appreciated!  Thank you.  Francenia

Hello Francenia and Sundae... Please take her to the vet.  I think that she could have a bowel obstruction related to the constipation.
After you see the vet - Let me know what he/she says...????
I can help with foods and home-cooking after you see the vet.

Good luck!

Marie Peppers LPN MA