Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > skin and ear allergy shih tzu ; itchy shih tzu dogs ;

skin and ear allergy shih tzu ; itchy shih tzu dogs ;

20 11:12:43

I recently (a month ago ) took him off a diet food the vet recommended.He has been on it for a few years and has had skin,ear & constantly licking  his feet.  I am now feeding him Nutro Natural Choice, he likes it.  His skin, ear and  feet still but not as bad bothers me. He is a large dog, but overweight.  I feed him a cup a day in 1/4 C servings.frozen green bean for his treat. Can you advise me on his servings.  He is 7 yrs of age.     Thank you if you can help me, Clara Davis

Probiotics for canines ; Probiotics stop the itchies; Dog food for allergies ;

Clara, I am sure your dog has allergies ? Environmental.
Feed your pal the 1 cup of the food and give up to 1 cup per day of the green beans ( canned no added salt green beans).
Also, for the Allergies you need 1 NuVET wafer supplement per day.  This is an allergy blaster and immune system booster.  NuVET will help to stop the itching, ear infections and licking the paws.  
Here is how to order the NuVET Holistic Supplement:
1-800-474-7044 Tell them you want the 90 count of NuVET wafer treats.  
Make sure they know you are working with Pet Nurse Marie Peppers.

Also, please put your dog on some Probiotics - 1 billion CFUs of acidophalus just 1 x per day.
Give this for 2 months - VERY safe - you can find this at Walmart in the vitamin section ... the human vitamin section.
This will help with the ear infections and the itching...

I hope this helps... I work with many dogs having the same problems you mentioned...
Marie Peppers