Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > my itchy dog ; Shih tzu itchy , constant biting legs

my itchy dog ; Shih tzu itchy , constant biting legs

20 11:12:32

Our above dog developed biting at joints only on legs 4 months ago after he was shaved.  The skin under the areas looks clean and unopened but he bites most of the day. A change of food,  Benadryl and natural shampoos for itchy skin have not worked.  I took him to a special hohlistic vet and he states he does not have allergies.  We are treating him now for joint changes from ? neck injury but I know that is not the problem but we have run out of solutions.  Is it possible that it is just a nervous habit? He is overjoyed when we come home but the biting continues.  We are truly at a loss.  Thank you for any advice that you can give  us.  We feel terrible for him!

Itchy shih tzu; my itchy dog; scratching and bites....
Oh, Poor you guys!  I hate to say this but some of this behavior may be OCD - obsessive compulsive doggie scratching or biting.
Yes - a bad habit ....
Plus - I bet he has some Environmental allergies even if they Vet said, no.

This is what I tell Itchy Shih Tzu pet parents to try:
Worth a Shot and all natural-----

Acidophilis 1 billion CFUs - give him 1/2 per day for 90 days:
Helps allergies related to excessive Yeast in the system... VERY safe:
You can get this product at any store that sells vitamins for humans.
Only 1/2 per day

Next, I need you to start him on a few items:

Lets get a few things from  (NuVET)Labs - see links below:

- let's get this boy onto the NuVET Plus -  this supplement is an immune system booster that will help him to fight off the Food and Environmental allergies.
( gets rid of the YEAST in ears and skin )
Fights off all the Allergies that many be hitting him...
Skin and Coat healer.... Takes away the itchies.

The NuVET Plus will cost you .60 cents per wafer....HE will need 1 1/2 wafers per day for the first 20 days - Then, he can go down to just 1 NuVET wafer per day.
This is guaranteed to work - a 60 Day money back guarantee...

I am here for you - we can start him onto some Salmon Oil , too!  You can buy pure salmon oil at most pet stores - give him 1 teaspoon per day - mixed into the food.

The NuVET is not sold in stores-
Just thru Holistic VETS and Kennels like me.... or thru the Manufacturer...
Please call tomorrow and order some NuVET- or order on line :

Ask about the Auto Ship 15% Off Discount Program...

Tell them you are working with Marie Peppers of Ask the pet nurse  .....  

My order code is 81098 ( pet prof code)

Call 1-800-474-7044  
( any of the gals in customer service will be glad to help)
Also, ask for a bottle of "TEA Tree oil Shampoo" / about 9.95 per bottle....Wonderful stuff - use 1 x per week, only.

They also have a wonderful HOT spot TEA TREE Oil spray:
about 8.00 per bottle ?

Keep me in the loop -
Give me an update in 30 days/////  I sure hope this helps your boy.

I know it will help - And, remember, the NuVET company offers a 60 day MONEY back Guarantee

Also, If you want something for the OCD - we can try a Time Release dosage of Valerian.
Look for the smallest dosage of Valerian you can find at the vitamin store... Time release is better but anything will be fine.
If you can break it into 1/2, that would be great.

or, you can look for something like this is a Essential oil-

I don't know this company - just an example of Valerian for Anxious Canines ( OCD doggies)

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse

My private e-mail:
Contact me anytime....

I am here for you!