Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > rash on my shih tzu; shih tzu skin problems ;

rash on my shih tzu; shih tzu skin problems ;

20 11:12:41

hi i have noticed a red rash on the inside of my 3 yr old shih tzu i have him groomed every 5 wks, and the food is the same can i use a antibiotic ointment on him or take him to the  vet or should i bathe him weekly

Dog oatmeal shampoo; Baking soda bath for shih tzu ; NuVET plus ;
Hi Neal-  How about giving him an oatmeal doggie shampoo bath OR give him a baking soda bath.
With baking soda - fill the tub 1/4 with warm water and then go with 1/8 a cup of baking soda.
Drop cups of the mixture over his back and body.
After 3-5 minutes rinse with clean warm water.

Hope this helps...

Marie Peppers
The BEST shih Tzu vitamin / skin supplement