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Shih Tzu questions; shih tzu supplements;

20 11:11:41

Hi my bitch had puppies three weeks ago she had 3 girls and 3 boys one of the girls had to be put to sleep after a week because she wouldn't feed and I tried bottle and syringe feeding her but then she passed urine and it was blood at this point tge vet advised us to have her put to sleep, the other 5 have been doing fine but this week one of the boys has become really snuffly I took him to the vet and he said he though he may have a nasal infection and prescribed antibiotics he's had these for 4 days now and is still snuffly he's list a very small amount of weight .1 of an ounce but I am worried, could you give me any advice is there something I could feed him to build him up or would saline drops help at all thank you for your time regards Tracey

Silver for pets:
Follow up with Marie here:
I welcome your questions here at allexperts or at my private e-mail
Thanks, Pet Nurse Marie

Oh, Poor shih tzu pup!  Sorry about your loss.   Yes, ask the vet if you can offer a little saline in a dropper.  ( just place at the opening of the nares ...)  Don't use more than a drop of two.  Also, be ready with a bulb syringe to get excess secretions.

Sounds like this little one has a virus and that's why the antibiotics are not kicking in.
You may want to follow up again with your vet.  Just to make sure this little one's lungs are not full of fluid.

Some folks have used Colloidal Silver with success-

See here:
This is sold all over the world...( Just get a good quality brand)

Best Wishes,

Marie Peppers LPN MA