Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > high liver enzymes in shih tzu;

high liver enzymes in shih tzu;

20 11:12:22

QUESTION: do shih Tzu dogs have problems with high liver enzymes?  I had 3 of them my 4 yr. old just died of liver disease and the 8yr. and 9yr. olds have high levels  also . we have checked for anything toxic and can't find anything . Could it be the breed?          thankyou Nancy

ANSWER: Nancy- Wow, I am so sorry about this.  Can you give me background on them?  Where they from the same blood line???  What foods were you feeding?
JUST more info please.

Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The 4yr. old and 9yr.old from same blood line 8 yr. old bought from pet shop they have always eaten Iams the 8yr old has to eat percription cd because of stones  and no people food.          thankyou Nancy

Hi Again,  I would suggest a home cooked diet for kidney and liver disease.  I can give you a few recipes that are alternatives to the RX Hill's Diet.
Also, I know a professional that will develop a diet for you.  I believe she does charge for this service.  Let me know if you are willing to do home-cooking.

Marie Peppers LPN MA