Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > shih tzu UTI ; shih tzu blood in urine; colloidal silver shih tzu dosage;

shih tzu UTI ; shih tzu blood in urine; colloidal silver shih tzu dosage;

20 11:11:52

Hey, my Shih Tzu mix is a fixed female who is three years old and a little less
than ten pounds. Starting in mid October she began to have blood in her
urine and feel the need to constantly try to urinate even if she could not. I'd
take her for walks and she would try to urinate every couple of seconds, and
she would even try to go in the house which she doesn't usually do. I noticed
that the blood was still red in her urine, so it did not look like it was mixed in
as some websites claim it should look like if the problem was a bladder
infection. My mom took her to the vet and she was put on antibiotics for a
bladder infection but the problem hasn't gone away and the antibiotics are
finished. My mom went back to the vet and they said that it would cost $400
to do tests on her, plus it would cost extra for any treatment required. My
mom said she can't afford that and so I am really worried about my dog.
What other possible problems could have caused this and is there anything I
can do to help my dog. On top of the antibiotics, we also tried giving her
cranberry juice. Thanks

Herbs for pets;  shih tzu supplements - cranberry ;  cranberry for canine; struvites ;
Shih Tzu bladder stones ; canine urolithiasis;  dog cystitis; dog urethritis; or kidney stones in canine ;

Shih tzu with crystals - kidney stones; shih tzu with Urinary infections; shih tzu supplements; colloidal silver shih tzu dosage;

Hi Jessica, I am so sorry about your little Shih Tzu.  The Vet may feel that it is crystals or stones in the kidney and that's why they want to do more tests and ultrasound x-rays.

I can suggest a few supplements to help your dog's urinary health.
Please try the following :
Please remeber that I am not a Vet:

1.  Try some Colloidal Silver liquid:
Urinary tract infections - Oral dosage is one tablespoon taken 3 times daily. Most users report noticeable improvement within two to three days, with the infection generally gone in five to seven days.

Here is an example of what to look for in the local health or vitamin store:

2.  Please start this fur kid onto the NuVET Wafer program.
Give 1 per day long term.....VERY helpful for urinary health and wellness - aides in the reduction of infections.
Only order here: not in stores:  Holistic and very safe:
You are looking for the NuVET plus wafers.

HOPE this helps - YOU should see results in about 1 week.
You will need to stay on the Silver Product a good 90 days and the NuVET supplement long term.

Keep me posted!
Marie Peppers LPN MA
Feel Free to call me at  803-424-2312

HOPE this helps your baby......