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My Shit-zu needs your help...

20 11:13:11

My Taina's first grooming was a horrible experience for her and me, now 3yrs. later when she goes to the groomer they have a problem with her snapping at the groomer...I recently found a place that was doing an excellent job her look was awesome..but her second visit on 2-1-09 she was groomed but then she was asked not to come back because of her being such an aggressive dog...please what can I do...

Hi - I have the same problem with my Scottie dog.  She is now 11 years old and we still need to use a muzzle on her.
She had bit the groomer when she was only 8 months old.
Tell the groomer you don't mind them using a muzzle.
Also, you can ask your local vet for some Doggie Drugs to calm your shih tzu down.  
Sometimes this happens and there is not much you can do to cure this anxiety.

Sorry, I have no magic words that can help on this.
Drugs or muzzle

My scottie gets a puppy cut ( very short cut/ shave down) 3 x per year....

The girls all know they need to use a muzzle for most of the hair cut.
BEST of luck

Marie Peppers
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