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Our 3 babies!

20 11:12:46

Hi, my name is Liz and I am a dogaholic! I feel like I an addict! We always said we would never own one because we didnt like the way the faces were all pushed in. About 4 years ago we got our first male Howie which is almost all white and only weighs 6-7 lbs. The for Christmas 2 years ago I fell in love with Howies bride to be! I had to have her! The vet told me what to look for when she would go into heat, but she would even start until like 8months -1 year. Well, guess what she not only went into heat at 6 months, but she got pregnant and had 5 puppies.Then the next time I thought I could catch her before and yet again it happened! This time she only had 1 puppy. Here we are at the last time and again the male got to her before I knew. We didnt even realize she was pregnant until a week or so before delivery. This time she had 6 babies. I just sold my last 2 today. So here is my problem, I really dont want to spay her because I do want her to have more puppies, but not anytime soon. And the male I have I really dont want him to be fixed either because he is a rare white Shih Tzu with bright blue eyes.So I guess my question to all this is .... is all this hurting her or going to make her sick? I would like to have a litter maybe once a year or every other year. What would you suggest? Thanks for your reply in advance..

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Hi Liz - I love the breed too !  So cute...
It can hurt your gal to over-breed her.  How about getting some female pants for her to wear - that way, he won't be able to mate with her.
All the pet stores have the panties for dogs in heat - that is what she will need to wear for 2 months at a time...Sorry
I can't think of any other answer for you.

BEST wishes ---  you should give mom and dad shih tzu 1 NuVET wafer per day - great for the immune system and keeps the VET away...
see here:
Tell them Pet nurse Marie sent you : When you call in ask for the 60 day Trial offer...
` use referral code 81098 `

Marie Peppers lPN MA