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Shih tzu with pancreatitis and yeast infection

20 11:11:34

Our five-year old rescue shih tzu has a history of pancreatitis - most recently in November.   Since that time she's been on a diet of boiled chicken (which my husband adds a small bit of elbow macaroni because he tells me she needs the fiber - I'm not convinced).  During the last few days she has had a lot of trouble sleeping at night because of scratching and shaking her ears.  Last night I took her to the vet and she has a yeast infection.  I was told that having her on the same diet for a long time might cause her to develop allergies and hence the yeast infection.  He told me to look for a dog food with either rabbit or venison.  I am not comfortable with any dog food because of the amount of recalls there have been over the last few years.  We also have a rescue lhasa - they eat the same foods and she's doing fine.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thank you.

Hi Lynne - We like the Fromm's Brand of food - NEVER a recall in about 100 years --- here is the link ; check out the excellent ingredients - also they have a Store Locator

Also, you may want to get your kids onto the NuVET plus Wafer or Powder supplement ;
MOST of my clients take NuVET daily -  it's an Allergy Blaster and Immune system Booster  ( tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you )
If you call in use discount code 81098 for the AUTOship discount program )
1-800-474-7044  ( costs about .63 Cents per day )