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Shih Tzu

20 11:12:25


My Shih Tzu is loosing her hair. She has a line of hair missing right down her spine. She have cold in her eye and she has this ordor that will not go away no matter how much I wash her. I do not have the money to take her to the vet right now and I called the shelters to see could they help but they could not so please can you tell me what I can do.

Oh Courtney, I am so sorry to hear about your Shih tzu's skin troubles ....
Sounds like it could be yeast overgrowth or even mange mites.  
You can't see the mange mites very often with the naked eye.

Is there any way you could ask the vet office if they would take payments?  Sometimes they will break up the visit into 2-3 payments.  All you need to do is ask..

You can try some Benadryl - MOST vets will tell folks to use 1-2 mg of Benadryl every 8-12 hrs for a swollen eye or itchies....
Short term , until you can get to the vet.

Example:  a 5 pound dog can have 5-10 mg of Benadrly evey 8 hrs
         a 10 pound dog  "  "   10-20 mg of Benadryl .....
***you can buy the liquid and place it into the side of Snuggle's mouth with a baby syringe for meds.

Also, many of my clients use NuVET Plus wafers for skin and coat troubles:
see here: