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Skin color of Shih Tzu; color changes and dry skin?

20 11:12:21

I have a 3yr old Shih Tuz, weight 17.5 and large frame,his color when we fist got him dark brown and white,he has a very pink skin with black spots. He also licks and scratch a great deal everywhere, his front paws, hind legs, under shoulder,the top of his bottom and his tail, he has tear stain eyes I have tried angel eyes, apple cider vinegar in his water. I would like to know if the color of his skin normal?

shih tzu skin color changes;
Hi Almedia,  I don't believe this is normal skin for a shih tzu.  What are you feeding this little one? ( brand and flavor)
Also, have you talked to the vet about this?  Sounds like it may be some YEAST bacteria overgrowth related to allergies.

I can help with a food change and some supplements....

Let me know if he is on any vitamins or supplements at this time.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
ASK the VEt Nurse
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