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Bleeding After Breeding

20 11:14:07

My Shih Tzu was bred on Sunday Oct. 14th. Now she has started to bled again. I need to know what is going on. Any help would be appreciated.
Ashleigh Perry

It is not uncommon for them to bleed after breeding a lot of times they are still in the bleeding cycle when breeding occur but it should be a light color not as heavy and will probably only last a few more days.  If the bleeding gets darker or heavy then you may want to have her looked at.  You will also know that if in about 2-3 weeks if her vulva stays swollen and her little teats start protruding she probably took, because usually once their heat cycle ends the vulva goes back to its pre heat size and if it does not go back down than chances are they are pregnant.  Good luck in your venture and hope this helps.