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shih tzu pancreatitis; dog food recipes for pancreatitis;

20 11:11:50

My 12yr old shih tzu has pancreatitis and a high
bilirubin count. He as been treated at a vet hospital
and been given plasma. He seems better after these treatments but after a day or two he will not eat.
Is there anything that will help his appetite?

Oh, Poor little Shih tzu ;  It is hard to get them to eat because there is so much pain and discomfort.  The Vet should have you giving a very low fat and bland diet....
Here are some recipes for dogs with Pancreatisis
( you feed 3-4 very small meals per day)   
(1/8 to 1/4 cup at each feeding)

HOPE this help:

You can make a low-fat chicken dog food by mixing:

*three boiled and chopped, skinless chicken breasts, chopped fine*
1 cup cooked carrots, ( MUSH  -- very pureed)
1 cup cooked white rice and
1 cup ***low-fat cottage cheese.

You should refrigerate any leftovers.

If you want to start home-cooking, let me know.   Once he is able to eat the above, we can change the recipe a bit.

There are a number of recipes you can make up and then freeze.

I always add NuVET powder to the home cooking - See here:
NUVET - just 1/4 of a teaspoon 2 x per day is all your little shih tzu needs.

When you call tell them that Pet Nurse Marie is working with you and your boy.
Call 1-800-474-7044   ( use referral code 81098 and ask about the 15% OFF program)

MAKE sure you VET knows you are home-cooking for your pet

Keep me posted...

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse