Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > loose stools shih tzu puppy ; blood in puppy stool ;

loose stools shih tzu puppy ; blood in puppy stool ;

20 11:12:34

My 21 weeks old male Shi Tzu got loose stools since yesterday evening.  His diet has not changed (he eats "Wellness" for puppies).  Last night he had two episodes of loose stools, I got online trying to see how I could help him and I read about giving him white rice and 1/2 cup of low fat yogurt.  I did that.  This morning his stools are light (like mustard) color and watery, I even noticed some blood (like small dots of blood). What do I do?

Hi -  I would call the vet and bring in a stool sample.  At this young age we need to be concerned with parasites and worms.  Many times, the human eye can not see the invaders.
This is very common and you are a good pet owner!

So, call the vet for an appointment to rule Out parasites.

Next, make sure you start your baby onto a good supplement/ NuVET Plus is wodnerful and it will help to build his immune system and fight off any virus, parasites or other junk that can hit a pup.  NuVET has been sold to 1000s and 1000s of shih tzu owners all over the world.

Call and ask for the 30 count bottle at 20.oo ( will last you 2 months) or even the 60 count bottle at 39.00  ( will last you 4 months)
YOUR shih tzu only needs 1/2 a wafer of the NuVET per day : OR 1/2 dosage of the powder per day.

When you call please give : ' order code 81098 '
My order code saves you % off what you can expect to pay at a Vet's Office.
This Product is Not Sold In Stores-  (Holistic and exclusive)
Call the gals at 1-800-474-7044  - Tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you and the order code
( ASK how you can get the 15% Off each order)

I sure hope this helps you!

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse