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Crusty skin and Joint Pain

20 11:14:14

Our 11 year old Shihtzu has yellow crusty places all over her skin and the vet said it is allergy.  Can you recommend something for that?  I have tried medicated shampoo from the vet, and hydrocortisone shampoo, but neither make any difference.   Also, she is refusing to put weight on one of her back legs.  I have checked the foot and toes and leg and the hip joint as much as my RN training permit me to do, and I see nothing wrong.  Could it be arthritis and if so - what can I give  her to treat this?

Try Cephlex or Amoxil she may have an actual skin infection like staph or yeast.  Mix the medication with some yogurt. She may have hip dysplasia which is a degenerative disease found commonly in this breed.  You may want to check with your vet to have her tested.  You can give a shih tzu most medications you can safely give an infant.  So you can give her some baby Tylenol for the discomfort and inflammation. Here is a really good link that will answer some of your questions on hip dysplasia
Hope this helps