Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > ? pregnant or not

? pregnant or not

20 11:13:48

I have a female Shitzu who will be 3 in May, she was able to tie with a male
Shitzu several times about a month ago. She is a very small Shitzu and we aren't
sure if she is pregnant or not. Is there any noticeable features that would let me
know that she is without having to take her for the Ultrasound? Thanks so much
for the information.

If it was successful then her vulva would still be slightly swollen, you should be noticing behavioral changes as well she will want more attention from you and she will be very sleepy and lay around a lot, she may be eating either more or less depending if she has had morning sickness.  In some cases you can notice the nipples enlarging and begin seeing a little bulge in the belly.  If the vulva has gone back to its tiny size, and she has not been walking funny after the tie, she has not changed her habits than more than likely the tie was unsuccessful (but give it at least 2 more weeks and see if you notice any more changes and if you don't and are still unsure take her to your vet and he can palpitate her belly and do a physical exam and tell you if she is pregnant and not actually have to do an ultra sound)  Hope this helps.