Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > stool eating try zucchini; Pet Supplements for poop eating;

stool eating try zucchini; Pet Supplements for poop eating;

20 11:11:48

We have a nine month old shih tzu she is eating her stool every chance she. gets. We have tried the supplements from the pet stores like potty mouth, they didn't phase her. What can we do? Also she has not come into heat yet, when can we expect that.

Zucchini works for dogs that eat poop*******
My Dog eats his poop;  stool eating, try this supplement:

Hi Shirli, My belief is that the pet may be missing something in the diet.  ( Deficency)?

In relation to stool eating , I have had great success with NuVet Plus given to a boxer puppy who was doing this, so I am inclined to agree on some sort of vitamin deficency to blame for this particular pups behavior.
Also, cook some zucchini - add  dash of olive oil/  give 1 teaspoon of zucchini mixed into the dog food daily???? ( if she will eat it)

Please see here:  NuVET can be given daily.  It helps the Skin, coat, joints, hips & Digestion.
EVEN helps to keep fleas away...
Order here:  they have a 20.00 and 39.00 bottle sizes.
Wafers or powder for picky pets.
TELL them your are working with Pet Nurse Marie:
Give order code 81098 for the 15% OFF Program

It EVEN helps to reduce tear/ eye stains.

Keep me posted:
Anyone is welcome to call me at my office:
ASK the Pet Nurse

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