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please I need your help.

20 11:13:13

I have a three year old shih tzu, to whom I love so very much, but I am afraid if I don't find him some help I just don't know what I will do. His name is Pugsly Depree, my first dog, I bought him at what I know now was a very bad place. The store he was in smelled so bad I could not go in, the amonia burnt my eyes and there was no ventilation. My husband picked him out for me. His problems at the first vet visit were alot, they included an ear infection that was so bad it almost made him deaf, a hernea in is stomach, and kennel cough. He was 3 almost 4 months old and it was, they told me, his last day to be sold that he was getting to old and would be "taken away".(killed). I spent alot of money on getting those problems fixed which included an operation. After that, I had him nuetered and did a good job on potty traing. My problems started almost right away, a few weeks after having him home he wouldn't eat. For days he didn't eat, I thought maybe it was the change or the operation. I didn't know what to do he started throwing up yellow heavy jell, usally always in the morning. I finally got him to eat boiled livers. The vet said he couldn't find anything and that it was probably a nervous stomach. To this day if I change routine or get upset with him or punish him he throws up that thick yellow mucus. I try to control getting him upset or change things, but my problem with him is his eating. I have tried ALL dog foods, everyone says he will eat when he is hungry, he will not! I almost think he doesn't know what the difference between hunger and a stomic upset so he doesn't eat. Pugsly's weight is 16 very hard to get pounds. Which consist of what ever I can get him to eat, which until now wasn't a problem. Recently he came down with a very bad case of diaerea, causing him to potty in the house. His vet has tested for several things and his first antibiotic didn't work, took more test and didn't find anything but gave him a stronger antibiotic and told me to make him eat dog food "he will eat when he is hungry enough". I didn't want to do that but after the antibiotic was up thats what I did let him go hungry. That was just after christmas, this saturday pug seemed week, not wanting to play,or walk down steps or even chase people down the side walk, I would take him out and he would lay down not even want to pee, but we didn't have diarea for 2 weeks, I know he did not eat. Later on this  saturday I noticed he wouldn't drink any water. I had to do something I gave him a little ice cream, he ate that, it was a cold day and it made him shake I thought it was because he was cold but it lasted for hours. I wrapped him in a blanket and held him for hours. When he stopped shaking I tried to take him outside and he just didn't have any energy, couldn't walk down steps and was disoriented. I said to my husband I have to feed him something so I baked some chicken brest and he ate 2 different times a pretty good amount the next day what a change it took a while even the next day but he was back to his old self. That night I was worried about diarea so we went out every 2 hours, and some time in between he pottied in the house diarea, at 2:00 I was crying I just can't do this any more. The vet says there is nothing wrong. The next day I took him for a walk like we do everyday he didn't go potty I was worried so I tied him up for a bit outside when we got back. When it was time to come in I tried to take him potty, off the collar but he didn't have to go. I brought him in and only 5 min later diarea in the house probably from the chicken breast I fed him the night before only out of desperation. Pugsly is 16 pounds large framed.I put him in a cage the night I had to clean up poop at 2 in the morning, when I took him out at 6am he was upset and through up that yellow stuff, that no one can tell me what it is, and i have been crying all day. I love him so much. Please help me.

Oh Mandy, this is so sad.  I wish you had tried a Holistic vet....Don't know if there are any in your area.  LOOKS like your vet did what he/she could do for your little one.
Let's try some Natural choices for this little one:

Don't let him go without drinking as he will dehydrate!  OK.
Buy some bubble gum or fruit flavored pedylite liquid ( the one for human kids who won't eat) - get a syringe and give him some of this every day - even if he is eating....This has some great electrolytes in it and will help his shaking and sugar levels.
Give just 5-10 cc of this solution 2-3 x per day - EVEN if he is eating.
Make him take this / syringe it into the side of his mouth... Squirt towards the side and back to his throat.


I want to see this little guy get a "Probiotic" - 2 per day - put them down his throat.  If you don't know how to do this I can send you a link on HOW to PILL a Dog or CAT.
He needs 2 per day for 5 days and then 1 per day - Always:
This will get rid of the stomach junk ....and possible Yeast overgrowth.  This is All Very safe:
Here is a good one from Nature's sunshine:

Flora Force:

Also, how about giving him some white meat cooked chicken and white rice - about 2 tablespoons of rice and 3 tablespoons of diced chicken.
Also, add just 1/2 teaspoon of Pure Salmon oil / JUST ONCE per day.

For the LOOSE poops - please get some Canned Pure pumpkin into him every day - give 2 tablespoons per day when he has troubles...
On good days - Still give him 1 tablespoon per day / Always-
This is good for him and will add fiber and bulk to his poops.

LAST - Please get some NuVET Plus - Get the 90 count powder form of the NuVET ( WE have Wafers too)
I am wondering if he will do well with the powder mixed into his food 2 x per day:  JUST give 1 dosage per day but cut it into 2 dosages... so just 2 halfs....
NuVET will sure help his immune system to get stronger : ALSO great help with the digestive system...

NUVET will cost you about .65 cents per day.

VERY low cost and KEEP the VET away...

Here is the ordering info-  ( NuVET)

Give him the PURE canned pumpkin ( no added sugar) and you can also get some Metamucil Wafer cookies/ give him just 1/2 cookie every day - Always will help to keep the loose poops under control and the nervous stomach.

Metamucil wafer cookies come 2 to a pack and I believe 12 in a box???
Found at the grocery store or the Walmart.

BEST wishes, Give it a few weeks and he should be a NEW PUPPY-
Believe me - I have seen this before

Marie Peppers LPN MA
ASK the Pet Nurse

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